Monday, 6 August 2007

Tony Blair farewell and my visit to Trimden Labour Club

On Wednesday 27th June

I went to Trimden Labour Club to try and give Tony Blair an Oscar for his acting, I also took a laminated poster placard. He arrived at Trimden Labour club at 7.05pm, as he walked around the car park shaking hands with his supporters, I shouted " Mr Blair, I've got a leaving present for you. An Oscar because you're the best actor Britain has ever produced". Blair ignored me and carried on, his minders looked worried. A policeman grabbed me and threatened to arrest me for a breach of the peace. I said "what for?Saying he's a great actor." I shouted again "Hey Mr Blair, you're a great actor but not as good as Elvis." The policeman threatened me again. I said "I'm not a terrorist, you guys are over the top". Blair disappeared and the policeman let me go. A bystander said "they should have arrrested him for a breach of the peace". I got the bus back to Darlington and caught the train back to Nottingham.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Some Light Relief

The latest poem to be penned by Lord Biro, if you haven't already guessed its about Shane Meadows, film maker from Nottingham

Shane West- Bridgford

Spotty young yobbos
Thieving and fighting
The Observer film critic
finds them “very exciting”.

Jumbo sized Sharons
Chasing council house clowns
Has the middle class queuing
From Broadway to Brownes.

Throw in a sharp dialogue
like “gi us a wank”
And you’ll be laughing like me
all the way to the bank.

I’m off to Provence now
to party and rave
As I fly over Skeggie
I’ll give them a wave.

Lord Biro

Friday, 4 May 2007

Friday 4th May

Got up, had breakfast, sour grapes. Had a bad night because of a rotten pint earlier in the day. Consequently, spent most of the evening in the Harvey Hadden Stadium linging near the bog. When the result came I was bottom of the poll (115 votes), nowhere near UKIP and the Invisible Green. That lazy middle-class swine didn't even turn up on the platform, neither did the Lib-Dems and two of the Labour candidates. To top it all when I got home at 3 am and finally got to sleep I dreamt I was forced onto the floor in Wollaton Park by Tory leader Georgina Culley (2,670 votes) and abused in a most inappropriate way? I've heard of electoral revenge but she's pushed it a bit too far on this occasion.

Still, thank God it wasn't "Soft Dick" or "Corporal Cowan". I wonder where they were? Hopefully chasing Jon Collins and Dave Trimble round the sadly missed toilets of the old Market Square waving their "choppers". Now that would be worth dreaming about. Happy New Basford- the x-candidate for Wollaton!

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Thursday 3rd May

Get up and have breakfast, Welsh rarebit and a peach over the road at my friends house. I’m vaguely thinking of going up to Wollaton this afternoon and putting up some of my political artwork on a boarded up shop window on Bramcote Lane but can’t summon up the energy.

I wonder how many votes I’ll get tonight. It would be nice to beat UKIP and the invisible Greens.

Its time to vote for the candidates in my ward (Berridge) I shan’t vote for the Tories but I’ll end today’s blog with a poem and drawing about them.

Wednesday 2nd May

Get up and have breakfast, bread and cheese. Radio Nottingham has been trying to contact me for an interview but every time I ring them I always get a different person, or the person I want to speak to is in a meeting. What a bloody shower, I give up.

Go leafleting in Wollaton, I’ve got my jumpsuit but don’t put it on till after dinner. No body around as usual, I see more squirrels than people. I should have done the Thatcher flyer I took to the Tory conference in Bournemouth last year. “Pickle Maggie and Win the Turner prize (after she’s dead of course). That might wake them up!

Take off my jumpsuit and go in the “Rodney”. Have a pint, then walk down the road, go into a graveyard and put it on again, a most appropriate place. Stroll down Wollaton Vale waving to the homecoming traffic and go in the “Toby Jug” for a pint. That’s its Folks, the campaigns over!

Tuesday 1st May

Get up and have breakfast, muesli and yoghurt. Its ten years since Blair was elected, the media is full of it, his legacy etc. What a bunch of middle-class bores they all are.

Go to Wollaton leafleting, nobody about as usual. I pack up early and go home. That evening me and my treasurer head for the traffic island near the Hemlock Stone pub in Wollaton. I’ve got a big placard “Get Stuffed Teddy Blair”. Stand at the island between 5 and 7 pm, get lots of hoots from cars plus the “finger” from some skinheads. They must be from the Shane Meadows party and have read my sarcastic poem about him in the Evening Post “ Shane West- Bridgford”.

Some young girls take one of my leaflets. “Why don’t you like Tesco?” says one, “It’s the Ultimalte Munchfest”. “Are you mad?” asks another, “It’s better than the crappy old Co-op”. “Its taken over the High street, that’s why I don’t like it”. They saunter off into the Ultimate Munchfestering future, good luck girls!

We trudge to the 19th century front bar of the Admiral Rodney, no Munchfest in here, but I do get two votes, Ah-huh!

Monday, 30 April 2007

Monday 30th April

Get up and have breakfast, porridge! Go leafleting in Wollaton with some “Lesbian Elvis” leaflets plus “Blair-Cameron” flyers. I shove one of them through the Catholic priest’s letterbox on Bramcote Lane. They’re experts on buggery that lot, I wonder if I'll get his vote? Go to the Admiral Rodney for a pint. A bloke’s read my Wayne Rooney flyer and says he’s going to vote for me. Well that’s two votes! Watch out ye True Blue thoroughbreds, the Red Elvis Nag may spring a surprise yet on the home straight!

Saturday 28th April

Get up and have breakfast, bread and cheese again. Go to Wollaton, arrive at Bramcote shops at 10 am, early for a change. It’s the first time I've worn the red jumpsuit in the Campaign. Lots of conversations concerning my placard “Save Oil – Bonk Locally”. “What does it mean?” says one woman. “Its means don’t go miles to have affairs, save energy and have them round here” “I do!” she says, I’m about to ask her where she lives but she marches briskly away.

A girl with a cider can asks me what the colour of Elvis’s co-star Anne-Margaret’s hair was. “Red” I say, “Just like yours”. She looks pleased, unfortunately she lives in Beeston so no vote there.

Call it a day and go home, on the way I have my picture taken in the Market square next to an old Wollaton Vale bus (1942). Get in the house, make a cup of tea and read the Guardian, Labour and Tory MPs are colluding to try and get themselves exempted from the Freedom of Information Bill. It was talked out last week but has ‘miraculously’ re-appeared and is due to be debated on May 18th when the MPs will be back at Westminster after the local elections. I bet it will get through this time, the shameless swines. I decide to re-invent my Blair-Cameron flyer and add some new words “Happy New Labour in Bed with the Tories – Buggering Up the Freedom of Information Act.

Sunday 29th April

Get up and have breakfast, Welsh rarebit, well it is Sunday. Buy the Observer, Henry Porter going on about the Freedom of Information Bill. We are sliding into a Police State courtesy of an arrogant government and a supine electorate. Cameron's lot aren’t interested in Civil Rights, they’ll just be as bad if they’re elected despite all this “Hug a Hoodie” gush. (See real Tory Logo)

Go to Wollaton and do some leafleting, end up in the Wollaton Golf Club. It’s very posh, I want to give the manager a flyer but he’s ill, I have a drink in the bar, a pint of Mansfield, red Elvis jump suit, sun glasses etc. A woman waves at me from the restaurant bar. “Dave, Dave, it’s me, don’t you remember?” Blimey, she used to be my girlfriend in 1957, 50 years ago. We talk for a while about the old days but she has to leave because it’s a men only bar. Well, well we’ve both changed a lot but this place hasn’t. In this culture of manic mindlessness, going nowhere, I find that strangely comforting. I’m more conservative than Cameron or Blair, they would hate the place. Four more days to go!

Friday, 27 April 2007

Friday 27th April

Get up have breakfast, bread and cheese and a cup of tea. Sort out some leaflets and go to Wollaton. Buy the Evening Post on the way, their gossip guide has printed my manifesto piece concerning my call for a National Piles Day on Wayne Rooney birthday. They’ve called me a genius, well it makes a change from being called barmy.

Leaflet round Wollaton Park, “Soft Dick”, “Corporal Cowan”, “Elvis and his Dog” and “George the Gorilla” the stuffed ape from Wollaton Hall, get home about 2pm. The focus team are getting uneasy about the “Soft Dick” leaflets. They are frightened I might get elected and find them a job, no more late morning lie-in’s, lads and lasses!
As I sit there my mind in turmoil, a crumpled piece of paper lands on the carpet. I read it, it’s from Elvis “Dear Dave, forget about small fry like “Soft Dick”, stick to smearing Bush and Blair. Use that photo I sent you recently, I took it from a cloud over the White House using a long distance tele-photo lens. As for Cowan, stick his file in the “john”. That’s the best place for him! Yours, The King. PS. “Jerusalem Elvis” what a tosser! Though I wouldn't mind giving his missus one.
Thanks Elvis, Stuff the local Labour Party, why should I do their dirty work. Peace of mind at last?

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Wednesday 25th April

Got up had breakfast, banana, yoghurt and muesli or as my mother said "muelsie". Its Yeltsin's funeral. I wrote to him once, years ago when there was some argument in the Kremlin about what to do with Lenin's embalmed body. I suggested that he could sell it to me if he wanted to for £500 so I could enter it for the Turner Prize. I got no reply. Now he's dead the Kremlin won't have to pickle him, he's pickled enough!

Time to go to Wollaton leafleting, I wish Mandelson was around to give me a hand with my campaign in repayment for what I did for him back in 1997. (double click the letter above) My friends are most upset, they're blaming me for having a hand in Blair's 1997 victory.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Monday 23th April

Had bread and jam for breakfast. It’s St George’s Day, I didn’t do much campaigning at the weekend. It was my 63rd birthday on Saturday, another milestone passed on the trudge to Wilford Hill. Printed some “Corporal Cowan” and “Soft Dick” flyers then went out Saturday night and got drunk. I wonder if the Queen did, she was 81. Stayed at home for most of Sunday and thought about a press release for this week’s campaign. There’s a St George’s Day quiz on tonight at the Admiral Rodney, the Militant Elvis party are thinking of going. Watch this space!

Press Release – Local Elections – Church of the Militant Elvis Party
Church of the Militant Elvis Party Campaign in Wollaton set to hot up.
Artist and poet Lord Biro to start leafleting controversial flyers about Tory candidates Dick Benson and Michael Cowan. Email:

Artist and Political CV
( a selection of quotes from the many received over the years)

“If Bishop was a 23 year old arts graduate he probably be hailed as a cutting edge Neo-Dadaist” – Wayne Burrows, Metro

“Sick” - Tory Councillor Ted Hickey, Daily Sport

“Impressed me” – Jean Rooke, Daily Express

“Isn’t quite right for Cosmopolitan” – Kate Figes, Lit Editor

“Useless” – Pandora, Independent

“I really like the poems”* - Julie Christie, Actress (‘Land of Rope and Tory’, 1992)

“David says things we only dare think” David Soul, Actor “Starsky and Hutch”, Martin Bells campaign team – Epping Guardian 2001

“Sinister Foresight” Maev Kennedy, Guardian Diary

“The slogans and campaigning ideas you suggest are very interesting. I will certainly bear them in mind when drawing up General Election campaigning plans”. Peter Mandelson MP, House of Commons letter, March 3rd 1997 (see

“Who is he anyway?” – Tony Blair, Derby Evening Telegraph

“Loony” Neil Hamilton, The Times

“He doesn’t need any acting lessons from me” – Tony Blair, Nottm. Evening Post
Press release ends.

Friday 20th April

Get up and have breakfast, muesli and banana. Its Hitler’s Birthday, he would have enjoyed it too. I buy the Guardian and the Daily Star. The Star is full of the new Belles of St Trinians, a charmless looking bunch. Loads of stuff about the student killer from South Korea. The media love it, if he’d gone on the rampage at Baghdad University they wouldn’t have given a toss. I pray no one goes on a shooting spree at Trent Poly or Ian C. Gray’s ghastly elegies will swamp the Evening Post for months.

I read the SUN files on Dick Benson again. Apparently he’s a hunting enthusiast Hmmm, Elvis wasn’t very keen on hunting and neither am I. Only if you’re a pigmy in the Belgium Congo. Those poor little sods won’t be hunting for much longer. The rainforest’s “old hat”, our vibrant corporate masters are going to ‘modernise’ it and turn it into palm-oil plantations plus golf courses, gorilla theme parks and swish hotels for the likes of Kate Moss’s sugar daddy and tax-dodging Top Shop billionaire Philip Green to hold his groovy parties in. Wow! The Daily Star will just love that!

I clear off to Wollaton in a bad mood and go leafleting around the Wheelhouse pub. Everywhere is as dead as a doornail except for a few old ladies pottering about and little dogs barking. A notice on one door makes me smile “ No Topper here, no Recorder here”. My leaflets run out and so does my patience. I go to the Admiral Rodney for a pint, the front bar is closed. There’s a funeral wake on, everybody looks cheerful, I wonder if Ian C. Gray is dead, he’s not in the Evening Post today. I drink up, go home and design a new flyer. Hunting Enthusiast “Soft Dick – Loves Hunting – Sez the SUN – Stuff the Perverts - Save our Ducks”. I wonder what the Wollaton Hunt will make of that. Tally Ho!

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Thursday afternoon, April 19th

It's 2:30pm, I make a cup of tea and read the Evening Post. Ian C. Gray, the Wollaton poet is in again. Surprise, surprise. I design a new flier featuring Corporal Cowan. Traffic Violator Abuses City Bus Lane. That evening me and my treasurer go and see the Al Gore film 'An Inconvenient Truth', it's on at the Methodist Church in Wollaton.

I take some fliers to give out 'Save Oil – Bonk Locally' with a picture of Boris Johnson. When I see the worthy looking congregation, I decide to 'bottle out'. By the look of them their bonking days are long gone!

The films very good but depressing. If we don't stop the ice caps melting we're all going to drown, basically. I try to imagine Wollaton under water and picture Ian C. Gray clad in a diving suit sitting at his desk, typing a poem. Nothings going to stop that bloody nuisances 'creative' outpourings.

I look at Al Gores bald spot. I hope mines not as big as his. I feel even more depressed. The films finished, thank God, stuff the discussion, we're off to the pub. My treasurer heads for 'The Gladstone', it's quiz night. I end up in one of Gun City's premier shooting galleries, 'The Elm Tree'. A pint of draught Valium will go down very nicely thank you. Cheers!

Thursday morning April 19th

Bread and bloody cheese again for breakfast. The 'Blair flu' seems to have abated? I read the Michael Cowan files. Apparently he did national service and rose to become "Corporal Cowan".Blimey, just like Adolf, this man is more dangerous than I thought.! I read on, in 1973 he was fined £20.00 "for driving a car along a bus lane in the city centre". I feel deflated, this ain't Tatton and Neil Hamilton with brown envelopes stuffed with cash. Those heady days are over mate, your political muck-raking career has hit the pits in this Thatcherite property owning paradise.

The post arrives, it's some junk mail from Littlewoods, offering me a free set of dining plates or something. Seeing as my gas ovens been out of order for months, they won't be much use will they, you bloody capitalist morons. I rip up the "offer" and sling it in the fireplace.

I must do some campaigning, I've only got one vote so far and he's a bloody nutter. Another fiasco like Sherwood (36 votes 2003) and I'll be demoted even further. The Shadow Spokesman on Sport, probably. What a ghastly thought. These days if anybody scores a goal, you'd think they'd won the Battle of Waterloo, the melodramatic over-paid fools.

I go to Wollaton and do some leafleting. "Don't push a leaflet through that letterbox" shouts an old bloke, "He's dead". "Thank you very much" I say. He looks at my rosette "We're the Elvis Party" I inform him. "So" he sniffs. They're a bunch of arrogant sods in this place. Just because they live in big posh houses and I rot in a terraced one, they think they can talk to me just how they like. Vote for "Soft Dick" see if I care, I'd rather be a councillor in Top "Yerself " Vallley, thankyou!

I leaflet the Old Coach Road. A woman refuses to take one, “I'm not into politics, I'm waiting for God's Kingdom to arrive”. Lawdy Miss Clawdy, a religious nutter, that's all I need, our Party's bad enough. “Well he won't pay your Council Tax. Why don't you vote for me while your waiting.” She looks at me with pity and gives me a pamphlet 'Will this World Survive?'. Well I won't if I don't get out of Corporal Cowan's Kingdom sharpish, I call it a day and head for home.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Wednesday 18th April
Porridge for breakfast, a mysterious brown envelope comes through the post plus a letter about some woman who likes sex in dungeons. Pity she doesn't live in Wollaton or I could go round to her place for coffee and whipped cream!

The large brown envelope is full of negative stuff about Michael Cowan, another Tory candidate for Wollaton West, all photocopied from Evening Post articles, not a popular chap it seems in some quarters.

Also a piece about "Soft Dick" off the SUN newspaper website. The "cemetary" is starting to liven up. Unfortunately I'm not, 'Blair flu' is still bugging me. No action today. I think I'll go to the Elm Tree for a pint of John Smiths. Lets hope there are no shooting incidents today or all the money I've spent on leaflets will be wasted.
Tuesday 17th April
Cheese on toast for breakfast, I feel a bit rough, the bug that's been stalking me all winter re-surfaces. It hangs around and you can't get rid of it. The health centre nurse says there isn't a name for it. My suggestion would be "Blair Flu".

The post arrives, just one letter, a woman from the Civil Service asks my opinion on the closure of Chalfont Drive, job losses and the selling off of ministry land for housing. Apparently, there's an old bomb shelter on the site, a listed building riddled with asbestos. I'll have to think about this one.

I decide not to do any leafleting today, but go up to Sherwood instead and print some more manifesto pamphets. Come back home, my German friend turns up and dyes my hair, sooty, greyey black. I don't think Elvis would be impressed but it will have to do.

Pick up the Evening Post and look at poets corner. Ian C. Gray the Wollaton poet is in again, he's in nearly every day. If I get elected I'll try and get an Asbo slapped on him for trying to bore me to death.

Go to bed and listen to the radio. The student who shot 32 dead in Virginia was South Korean. Thank god, he wasn't North Korean or it might have been World War Three. I start to think about the bomb shelter again, stay outside and get radiation poisioning, go inside and get asbestosis. Some choice, I'm bloggering off to sleep, good night.
Monday 16th April

Get up, have some bread and jam and start sorting out some leaflets. The phone goes, it's the "Proud of Nottingham Party" (that's local Labour). "Did you know Dick Benson, Tory Candidate for Wollaton West is an Ex-Judge whose soft on paedophiles" rasps a rough voice. "No I didn't". "We've got some newspaper clippings on him". " Send me them in the post and I'll have a look".

I wonder what "Soft Dick" would have made of Elvis's relationship with Priscilla which started when she was 14. The SUN would have had a field day, thank god it didn't exist in 1958.

I go to Wollaton and do some leafleting in an old peoples home. The warden laughs at me when I say I'm the Militant Elvis Party. "Lots of Elvis fans in here" she says. I give her the leaflet of Elvis and the dog.

Go back to Nottingham and get some more hair dye, my roots are showing. Dive in the 'Dog and Partridge' for a pint, there's a disco on, its too noisy for me, I'm off. Go round to my friends for tea and watch a documentary on BBC2 about 'Jersalem Elvis', an Israeli Elvis impersonator. Apparently the King sends him messages on crumpled bits of paper scattered around his house. That never happens to me, life is so unfair.

First Entry - Day one of the Campaign

Saturday April 14
Started leafleting in Wollaton, Bramcote Lane shops. Gave out flyers to shoppers about British vets fees, the highest in Europe. The flier had picture of Elvis and a dog on it - they seemed to agree, yes vet's fees are expensive. Many talked about their dead pets with fond memories. I also got other responses - “I'm National Front, but I like Elvis.” said one woman. Others laugh “How many are in your party?”, says a couple, “just me and Elvis”, they laugh even more.

The shoppers are drifting away now, the Grand National is about to start. I go to the Willoughby Arms for a pint and have a pound bet on 'Royal Auclair'. He falls down half way 'round the course. I wonder how much the vet charged his owner for services rendered?

Went leafleting on Sunday around the Wollaton Sports Club and the Admiral Rodney. “Are the BNP standing?”, asks one bloke. No-one has asked me about asylum seekers yet, but it's bound to come. “This place is full of apathy”, says an elderly chap, “Wollaton is like a cemetery with lights.” Hhhmmm, sounds just the place for the Dead Elvis Party to set up it's stall – we shall see.